Helpful Links

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Universal Design

The UDL Guidelines began as a project of the National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum (NCAC), a cooperative agreement between the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) and the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), For more information, check out the links below.

National Center on Universal Design for Learning:

Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST):

UDL at a Glance on YouTube: A video by CAST.

Download the UDL Guidelines, a color UDL graphic organizer and UDL educator's worksheet:

Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network (UDL-IRN): A 501(c)(3) organization which was developed to support the design of equitable, beneficial and meaningful learning environments for all learners.

Evidence for Universal Design in ESSA and other Federal Policy Documents: Find specific references to UDL in a variety of Federal Policies related to education.

UDL Toolkit for Teachers!

Developing a Technology Enhanced Lesson Plan:

Assistive Technology - General

Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (WATI) : WATI was funded by the WI Department of Public Instruction through IDEA discretionary grant number 9906-23 from 1992-2009. It is currently a voluntary network of AT consultants from across WI state who continue the work of providing AT training and support within WI educational settings. Find their free publication "Assessing Students' Needs for Assistive Technology: 5th Edition" here:

Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology (QIAT): The QIAT Community is a nationwide group that includes hundreds of individuals who provide input into the ongoing process of identifying, disseminating, and implementing a set of widely-applicable Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services in school settings See their indicators here:

10 Things Every District Should Know About Assistive Technology: PowerPoint and Video Presentations by GPAT for school districts.

Administrator's Desktop Guide to AT: The Administrator's Desktop Guide to Assistive Technology was originally published by the Technology and Media Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. An updated version should be available sometime in 2017. See the current version here:

National Assistive Technology in Education Network (NATE): NATE's mission is to help service providers develop their capacity to work collaboratively to implement assistive technology services that are legal, ethical, cost effective and efficient.

Assistive Technology Teams: Many Ways to Do It Well: This manual was developed to provide specific ideas and strategies to improve the function of AT teams

Considering Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities: The Georgia Project for Assistive Technology (GPAT) is a unit of the Georgia Department of Education, supports local school systems in their efforts to provide assistive technology devices and services to students with disabilities. They have a nice website on the consideration process.

The Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN) has developed a framework for statewide collaboration with priorities in professional development and technical assistance. Their website contains useful training modules and resources.

Assistive Technology Internet Modules (ATIM): FREE professional development on assistive technology (AT) for educators, professionals, families, persons with disabilities, and others.

Assistive Technology Competencies: Developed in the state of Florida, this resource identifies competencies for AT professionals, IEP team members and students.

Documenting AT in the IEP

WATI's chapter on documenting AT in the IEP with examples:

AT in the IEP. Examples of measurable goals and common mistakes:

Assistive Technology in the IEP Planner: A guide for IEP teams.

Powerpoint from GPAT on Documenting AT in the IEP:

Assistive Technology - By Content Area

Feature-Match Resources

Free or Low Cost assistive tech tools:

Student Inventory for Technology Supports: A quick web-based survey tool developed primarily to support IEP teams who need assistance in matching student needs and strengths to AT features.

Accessible Reading Materials

Bookshare: An accessible online library for people with print disabilities.

Tar Heel Reader: A collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books.

Storyline Online: A library of FREE online read-aloud books! Each book includes FREE activity guides for teachers! The activity guides are supplemental curriculum developed by a credentialed elementary educator.

Addressing Reading

One page, step by step guide to reading difficulties. By CALL Scotland.

Addressing Writing

One page, step by step guide to writing difficulties. By CALL Scotland.

Alternate Means of Access

Remarkable Ideas! : Free lesson plans and activities that incorporate alternative methods of access to ensure each student can participate, learn important educational and life skills. By Ablenet.

Switch Access for iPads: New iOS 11 Switch Access User Guide from Ablenet. Download the manual here.

Accessible Online Learning Activities: A collection of FREE learning activities that are switch and scan accessible! Doorway Online Website.